The joyous occasion of two souls bonding through the institution of marriage is always a beautiful one.
A Wedding is a ceremony, bound to be jeweled with spell-binding grandeur and splendor, each special in its own way. Planning a wedding ought to be meticulous. Getting the intricate preferences of the bride and groom right, learning the nuances of two different families’ culture and customs, paving way to the plethora of whims and fancies, is indeed a Herculean task. Sometimes, or rather more often than not, it is accompanied by the uninvited burden of organizing and so much more.
It all begins with the specific decorations that ought to be pleasing to the prying eyes of the stereotypical neighbourhood ‘aunties,’ giving them something absolutely worthwhile to peek their noses into, and for their next gossip session! Then comes, the splendid clothes, and ravishing looks of the bride and the thought it stops there? No! The bride’s mother, the bridesmaids, the groomsmen, the in-laws, the watchman, well, the list is pretty much endless. Let’s just say, every Tom, Dick and Harry would be dressed to kill, but thankfully not one gutsy enough to upstage the charming couple themselves! Next in the parade, is the food. Must be delectable enough, right? A sumptuous meal, to satiate the hunger and dance on the taste-buds of the plenty of foodies who are probably even gate-crashing the wedding! The Variety, the measure, the ambience of the dining hall, the hospitality, and even the dishes do not escape the scrutiny of the millions present! Next on the list is the music, lights and all the décor that would hopefully light up the place as bright as the dazzling smile on the bride’s face. Adding a tinge of the royal crimson wouldn’t be a shame would it? In perfect sync with the red cheeks of the couple, enveloped by shyness, excitement, and hope!
All of this make an eloquent concoction of moments that must be frozen by the experts, storing memories in a photo frame, capturing the adorable moments as well as the hilarious ones. A Photograph is the one thing that is unimaginably powerful enough to almost freeze time, so paying attention to it is inevitably essential!
In a nutshell, a wedding is the one irreplaceable memory, that would forever be etched in the hearts of the couple, the day, their life takes a turn forever! A day, that must be fused with an inexhaustible amount of hope, love, laughter, and happy tears!
We at Action Baby Crew, look forward to being a catalyser in these enchanting journeys, to leave imprints on the sands of time and evolving through a heartfelt experience for you as well as us, with your whole-hearted contentment and fulfilment being our ultimatum.