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Writer's pictureHareni Elango, India

Franchising it around!

Updated: Aug 4, 2020

The Pandemic has taken a toll on the employment rate of the entire world, now with the dip in the Economy. We believe that reaching out to the society around us, is necessary to build a strong value system! It gives one a sense of fulfillment, to begin with.

Hence, Action Baby crew has come forward to offer Franchise opportunities to the deserving ones.

Franchising this would mean we at Action Baby Crew are open to trust the ones who come forward and entrust them with the responsibility of handling the events. It is more importantly a venture of dedication and commitment, rather than just about the monetary investment. As we all know, a Wedding is a family affair, which comes with a ginormous emotional connect and responsibility. One press of the wrong button, may cause a whirlwind of emotions, down the chute. So Action By Crew, is actively looking for interested people who are eager to learn, participate and evolve throughout the process.

Initially, we vow to give us our support, especially with all the technicians and vendor management.

In addition to this, 'Action By Crew' also extends its offer to invest from home, and take returns from the same. Wherein, it may be a source of side income/ business for especially 'office-goers'. A franchise is so much more than just another venture, when it comes to weddings. It is like making a whole cloth from scratch. We weave together the b

its and pieces, weaving a story of love, hope and life. Looking forward to seeing many takers, for this noble pursuit!

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